

A phobia is defined as an overwhelming and extreme fear of an object or situation, even when there is very little or no danger. The condition aggravates anxiety and the person cannot function in a normal way. Around 10% of the human population suffer from phobias like fear of little insects, open spaces, dogs, heights, elevators and so on.

    The following are some of the phobias that are indirectly related to any industrial sector.

  • Aviophobia: Fear of flying
  • Aerophobia: Fear of flying; Fear of fresh air
  • Photophobia: Fear of light (or light sensitivity)
  • Pyrophobia: Fear of fire
  • Technophobia: Fear of advanced technology
  • Decidophobia: Fear of making decisions

    There are certain conditions that affect an aircraft engineer’s ability to perform his/her task such as claustrophobia and acrophobia.