Numbering Systems » Conversions



Binary to decimal numbers

To convert a binary number to a decimal number, add up the place values that have 1.


        Convert 10011011 to decimal

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Decimal to binary numbers

To convert a binary number to a decimal number, the place values in the binary system are used to create a sum of numbers that equal the value of the decimal number being converted.


Copyright © 2015 - Prentice-Hall, Inc.


Octal to decimal numbers

To convert any octal number into decimal number, multiply the digits of the number from right hand side with increasing powers of 8 starting from 0 and finally sum up all the products.


        Convert 1238 to decimal

                   1238 = 1x82 + 2x81 + 3x80

                        =   64   +   16  +   3

  =   73

        The decimal equivalent of 1238 = 7310


Decimal to octal numbers

To convert any decimal number into an octal number, divide it by 8. The remainder is again divided by the largest possible power of 8. Continue the process until the power of 8 is 1 and the remainder is less than 8. Finally arrange the obtained quotient.


        Convert 79610 to octal

796/8 = 99 (remainder 4)

99.5/8 = 12 (remainder 3)

 12/8 = 1 (remainder 4)

   1/8 = 0 (remainder 1)

        The octal equivalent of 79610 = 14348


Octal to binary numbers

To convert an octal number to binary number, look up each digit to obtain the equivalent group of three binary digits.


        Convert 3458 to binary

3      4      5

011   100   101

        The binary equivalent of 3458 = 0111001012


Decimal to hexadecimal numbers

To convert a decimal number to hexadecimal number, divide the number by 16 writing the remainders as hex characters and read that column from the bottom.


        Convert 92110 to hexadecimal

921/16 = 57 (remainder 9)

57/16 = 3 (remainder 9)

  3/16 = 0 (remainder 3)

        The hexadecimal equivalent of 92110 = 39916


Hexadecimal to binary numbers

To convert any hexadecimal number to binary number, convert each hex digit to 4 binary digits according to the standard table.


        Convert 4E16 to binary

4              E

0100         1110

        The binary equivalent of 4E16 = 010011102


BCD to decimal numbers

To convert any BCD number into decimal number, simply split the number into groups of four and convert according to the standard table.


        Convert 10000011 to decimal

1000         0011

8              3

        The decimal equivalent of 10000011 = 8310


Note: The required standard conversion tables can be found in the related sub-topics in ‘Numbering Systems’ section.