Arithmetic » Fractions


A fraction represents a part of a whole or any number of equal parts in general.


Types of Fractions

Simple Fraction: One full object can be sliced into so many portions and that portion ratio in relation to the whole object can be represented in fraction. For example, when you slice a pizza into five equal pieces, then two pieces of the pizza can be represented by a fraction of 2/5. The following images shows the graphical representation of simple fractions.

Simple fractions can be positive or negative, proper, or improper. In a fraction, the number above the line is known as the Numerator and the number below the line is known as the Denominator. A simple or common fraction where one integer is divided by another integer (a/b) is called vulgar fraction. As with other fractions, the denominator (b) cannot be zero.



Proper Fraction: Proper fraction has the numerator smaller than denominator. An absolute value of a proper fraction is strictly less than one. Examples of proper fractions are 2/5, -3/4, and 4/7.


Improper Fraction: Improper fraction has the numerator same or greater than the denominator. An absolute value of an improper fraction is always greater than or equal to 1. Examples of improper fractions are 9/2, -4/3, and 2/2.


Mixed Fraction: Mixed fraction is the sum of a non-zero integer and a proper fraction. Example is stated below.