Arithmetic » Averages & percentages » Percentages


Percentage is an expression of a quantity as a fraction of 100. It describes the quantity out of 100 or we can say ‘of 100’. Thus the denominator of a percentage as fraction is always 100.


Converting fractions into percentages

Fraction multiplied by 100 gives the percentage of the fraction.

Fraction x 100 = Percentage


Converting percentages into fractions


Converting percentages into decimals

When converting percentages to decimals, multiply by 1/100 and remove % sign.


Converting decimals into percentages

When converting decimals to percentages, multiply by 100 and add % sign.


  • 0.25 = 0.25 x 100 = 25%
  • 0.75 = 0.75 x 100 = 75%
  • 1.00 = 1 x 100 = 100%
  • 1.36 = 1.36 x 100 = 136%
  • 13.6 = 13.6 x 100 = 1360%


Some other examples in relation to aviation industry are given below.