Engineering Drawing, Diagrams » Drawing identification system » Validation of modification/rep

Validation of Modification/Repair Drawings

When a modification or a repair is required to be embodied into an aircraft structure or component part, it usually necessitates the use of a working drawing to assist with the work. To ensure the authenticity and legality of the drawing, it should bear a ‘Validity’ stamp (using red ink) which is applied by the issuing department.

The stamp consists of the authorisation stamp/signature of the issuing person and the date on which the drawing is obtained from the issuing department. In addition, the stamp should bear the words VALID ‘TIL: followed by a second date.

The additional date will be that of the date of the next scheduled revision (usually Quarterly – January, April, July, October or similar) to the relevant manual or document from which the working drawing has been copied.

Working drawings must not be used beyond their validation date, but must be returned to the issuing department for checking and re-validation before use.