Health » Mental fitness

Mental fitness

Mental fitness is just as important as physical health and should not be ignored. The following are some of the ways to keep the mind active and healthy.


Physical fitness

Healthy body helps a healthy mind to attain fulfilment in life. Follow exercise routine for at least 20 minutes a day. It helps to improve your memory, reasoning abilities and response times. Maintain energy balance by making the right nutritional choices that can have positive impact. Drink plenty of water everyday as it is essential for overall body health.


Know yourself

Get to know your strengths and weaknesses. That way, you can give importance to the aspects that make you happy and ignore the unwanted parts. Try to distract yourself from negative thoughts as blocking them once for all is not possible.


Self confidence

Be positive in yourself by making a list of good qualities and remind yourself that you don’t have to be perfect in everything. Set goals and take one step at a time to improve your abilities with a sense of satisfaction. Always keep in mind that your personal goals doesn’t have to ambitious.


Positive emotional moments

Try to collect the feelings and moments that gave you pleasure, comfort and happiness. Learn to accept compliments in a polite manner and recall the moment when you feel let down.


Engage in stimulating conversations

Share your feelings and seek support by making time with family and friends. Expressing yourself after a long stressful day can help release tension. A little humour in life can reap the benefits of a healthy mind.


Stress management

Identify the root cause of the issues that causes you anxiety and deal with them. Schedule regular time periods of relaxation to soothe your stress.


Take time for yourself

Treat yourself by watching a favourite movie, having a bubble bath, enjoying the day by sitting on a park and so on. Keep your brain active by taking up hobbies that makes you happy without any pressure.



Join a volunteer group and make new friends with common interests. In addition to making you feel good, volunteering provides you with new learning experiences. Giving support always improves relationships and widens your social support network.


Financial planning

As money problems cause stress, come up with budget and balance your wants and needs accordingly.


Intellectual curiosity

Explore new ideas now and then, by spending time in focused thought. Challenge your mind to connect ideas in innovative ways.


Spiritual support

Connecting to a higher source of inspiration gives us great encouragement to move forward to a successful future.