Semiconductors » Voltage multiplier

Voltage Multiplier Circuit

The Voltage Multiplier is a special type of diode rectifier circuit that can produce many times greater output voltage than of the applied input voltage. Voltage multiplier circuits can step-up (increase) the voltage without using a step-up transformer. It is mainly used in appliances such as microwave ovens, cathode ray tubes where it generates high DC voltage from a low AC supply.


Voltage Doubler

Voltage doubler circuits are used to produce output voltage (DC) twice the value of input voltage (AC). The circuit consists of only two diodes and two capacitors connected to an oscillating AC input voltage. This simple diode-capacitor circuit could produce a DC output voltage equal to the peak-to-peak value of the sinusoidal input. In other words, double the peak voltage value because the diodes and the capacitors work together to effectively double the voltage.

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