Military Tech » Landing without wings

Another legendary landing without a wing.

An F-15D collided with a Skyhawk during a mock aerial combat with four A-4Ns in the Israel air space. Pilot from Skyhawk ejected, while F-15 pilot Nedivi continued flying without realizing that his plane lost a wing. Suddenly aircraft fell into a very tight spiral after a huge fuel tank leak. After regaining control, pilot was ordered to eject but he decided not to because he had confident that could land the plane at nearest airfield 10 miles away. As he reduced the speed aircraft went into a spin again. Just before ejecting, Nedivi decided to light the afterburners, gained speed and managed to control the aircraft once again. Once he reached the base, he lowered the tail hook and touched down at about 260knots, twice the normal landing speed. It was only after he turned back to shake his instructor’s hand, he discovered that he had flown and landed without a wing